Sunday, November 25, 2007
Why the Utes are like a Co-Dependent Boyfriend
I’ve participated in enough sporting events over the years to know that the better team isn’t always going to be going home a “W.” (And I’m not referring to our current president. Taking Dub-ya home would actually be worse than a loss as far as I’m concerned.)
I think when teams are as closely matched up as the Utes and that team down south, it comes down to heart. And Brian Johnson is significantly lacking in that area. And I think "attitude reflects leadership." (Yeah, I got that quote from the dude on “Remember the Titans.”)
Anyway, what kind of quarterback (when you’re looking for a crucial first down and it’s 3rd and 15) slides to protect himself from getting hurt when a title's on the line?!?! (or a chance for a title, small as it may have been.) It’s the last game of the season (excluding bowl games, but come on!!!); PUT IT ALL OUT ON THE FIELD! If you get injured, you’ve got an over excited Freshman waiting to pounce and prove himself at any given chance. (PS. I wish we’d ditch Johnson and just go with the freshman.)
That kid plays with heart. . . he’s out there; in it to win it.
Johnson . . . well, I think we’ve seen Wittingham put too much stock in Johnson … like the real key to the Utes losing early on the season was that their “Captain” wasn’t out there.
Well Captain my Captain; I defer to Steve Tate. That guy lays it all out on the line.
I’m so disappointed in Jonson; he reminds me of Rod Tisdell (sp) from Jerry Maguire (before he gets knocked out and finds his love of the game.) He plays with his head, but not his heart.
Anyway, back to my title. The reason the Utes are like a codependent boyfriend, is because despite all the crap they put you through . . . you still hold onto the memories of the good times and somehow think that makes up for all the time they break your heart. And just when you start to expect less. . . you begin to plan on disappointment .. well that's whenyou look back on the golden years; the good times (aka the Fiesta Bowl) and trust that even they if they broke your heart this week, they’ll find away to do something splendid (like beat UCLA) down the road. And you’ll take them back because truth be told . . . you never let them go.
There’s a reason that blood runs red, especially if you’re cut deep. ;) As my husband put it bluntly yesterday: “I’d rather be a loser than a cougar.”
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Work and Rewards (from Sabrena Suite-Mangum)
Happy turkey day everyone. I took the last two days off from work; which means I’ve only spent a couple of hours on the phone and email for work. ;)
There’s a lot to be thankful for. . . Danny’s the first that comes to mind. It was his first Thanksgiving with our family (we spent last years with the Mangums). It was actually super cool this year because the whole entire Suite posterity made it to Saint George. All three of my sisters, plus husbands and children. It was a full table and uber fantastic.
Some quick thoughts before I move onto the “email of the week,” and a short video of the neice and nephew.
I'm not sick anymore . . . I know it seems like I'm sick a lot. . . but I'm seriously a pretty healthy person. I just need to get my chakras aligned, or something.
My nephew thought the first prophet of the LDS church’s name was Joseph Suite-Smith (my sister also hyphenates).
Kids can start snoring as early as 2 (mostly this is caused from boogies though)
Cassandra is a size 2/4 because she’s a workout queen AND because she never eats sugar
It’s nice to wear stretchy pants on THXgiving
The Sound of Music still makes me cry (I wish it was because I think musicals are so painful, but I think it has a lot to do with my hormone levels)
Remember the “procreate in 2008” post? I’m thinking we’re moving that timeline a little later in the year (like start “thinking” about it late summer, early fall. . . so no one hold your breath ok?
I have a facebook, myspace, Linked In AND a blog account . . . and this is pretty much the only one I know how to use. But feel free to friend request me, because I at least know how to say “yes.”
PS. My brother in law Dave just got into Med School in Eerie Pennsylvania – they’re looking at a DARLING 2200 sq foot home for $99,900. Seriously, who can by a home for under 100,000?????
OK, moving on . . .
I don’t know if it’s legal to write this stuff; but here’s one of my favourite emails from this week at work. . . Our Communications Manager was throwing some ideas around for a new online forum they’re looking into. I’ve edited a few things to protect the innocent. . . otherwise, enjoy the antics of moi e mes amies.
From: MS
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: Titles
Which one do you like best for the new Board Room post that will replace Leading Edge?
In the Know
Board Room Briefs
The D-L
Thank you for your collaboration!
From: Sabrena Suite-Mangum
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:48 PM
To: MS; BH
Subject: RE: Titles
Well, Board Room Briefs makes me think about [our Executive’s] underwear . . . Which doesn’t thrill me at all. ;)
I like INSight.
In the Know is nice but a little boring . . .
Exclusive is pretty good; but a little too sensational I think.
And The D.L. is totally hip.
I vote for the D.L. or INSight . . . Thank you for asking.
From: BH
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: Titles
That is hilarious!!!
I conquer!
From: MS
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: Titles
Um, I think she means concur. ;)
From: BH
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:52 PM
Subject: RE: Titles
Stupid spell-check… now what in the world can I trust if it's not spell-check????
From: SSM
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:53 PM
To: BH; MS
Subject: RE: Titles
Only your heart . . . And the force . . . You can definitely trust the force, especially if you are a Jedi.
Wait, you're not as Jedi. That friggin sux! We need a department yoda, really soon . . .
From: MS
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: RE: Titles
You're over job descriptions -- let's post a Yoda position!!
From: SSM
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 4:03 PM
To: BH; MS
Subject: RE: Titles
What do you think?
Master's Degree or lifetime experience fighting the dark side
Oversee spiritual enlightenment of all SkyWest Airlines activities
Speak in hushed tones and backwards grammar so that no one can understand you unless they speak a hybrid of pig Latin
Ability to multi task
Familiarity with light saber a plus but not required
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I should be in Bed, but instead. . .
Danny came home, tucked me in . . . gave me some Advil and a few hits of Echinacea and vitamin C and I slept for a couple of hours . . . and now, I am wide awake.
Wide awake and fluish. . . which really sux because I have a plane to catch tomorrow and I am in fact going to Chicago on Sunday and Monday. That’s a decent amount of travel in a few days . . . I need my strength. I’m going to have to invest in some serious airborne if I don’t get this fixed ASAP!
So send me all your positive thoughts. . . I need “The Secret” now more than ever (Becca nee’ Whipple), your positive energy too! ;)
Well, since I can’t seem to rest and I fear talking Nyquil is certain to make me vomit, I might as well relax and blog. . .
It never ceases to amaze me how many typos I can find in any single post of mine. . . you’d never believe I was a professional writer by trade, eh? (Well, ok . . . not by trade, but it is part of my resume/).
Speaking of, I was kind of thinking that “Suite Spots” the actual column from SkyWest Magazine in the Delta Connection edition was going the way of the bison . . . but it turns out that even if Delta doesn’t want to keep our publication on their planes, my editor said they’ll move it to the United edition. So I’ve got a new audience . . . pretty cool.
PS. I know it seems like I get sick a lot. . . but this is a FREAK fall season for moi. I swear, I'm a realitively healthy person.
PSS. I finshed Twilight again. . . amd I decided that my Edward Cullen looks like Billy Elliott when he grows up and dances at the end of the show . . . yeah, kind of like a cross between him and Danny.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
YES UTAH!!! We voted NO!!!
First of all, Ref 1 (aka subsidized tax break for the rich to send their kids to private school) defeated!
Second: Another Dem for SLC's mayor! Yep, Danny and I voted for Becker. . . did I mention he sat a few rows in front of us at that session of LDS Conference that we went to? And I don't even think the dude's mormon. PS. That is one thing (of many) that I adore about living in the downtown SLC
Also, Danny and I had a romantic evening . . .
Man, am I tired.
But good news! I got to hit a yoga class last night -- so my chakras are feeling much more aligned.
I'm diggin' on my job. i get to do so many different things. I was reflecting back to my first month of training at SkyWest and I remembered thinking that I wanted to be the person that gave the new hire orientation . . . that told employees all about SkyWest's travel benefits, and talked all about our culture . . . and I remember thinking that was coolest job ever. . .
And now i do that as part of my job!!!! So crazy.
I think I may be taking a business trip to Chicago next week. . . I'm hoping I get a chance to track down some Gino's East pizza . . . I'm trying to convince him to take a "business trip" with me; but his schedule is a little complicated.
And the Suite-Smith's (Cassandra and co) are relocating to Cincinatti for a year. I told Tatum and Max (Sassa's two kids) I would miss them when they moved. (Max is REALLY excited about going to Ohio ... the kid must be a Buckeyes fan). Anyway, I told him I would miss him; he said I would be coming with him... aren't kids fabulous.
Well, sorry this is kind of boring. . . I'll try to be funny later this week. . .
Love you - namaste.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Phoenix Rising . . .
They paid for our hotel and are hosting us this weekend, so I have to say I dig their hospitality. I have not been tame about my love for France and the possibilities of living in a country with Universal Health Care (not to mention the benefits of choclate crossiants!!!!); so I am game for checking this place out.
Plus, it was 91 degrees on campus today; so we laid out at their pool. (I am going to have to get a "spray-on" tan before anyone sees me, so I can just say it's from the vacay. . .
Their all about "globalization" and all that jazz . . . environmental consciousness on the world stage. . . but I had a hard time absolutely buying in since they were watering their lawns in the middle of the afternoon (again, in 90 degree weather!) Oh well, he who is without sin, you know . . . Danny and I are crappy recyclers, so I can't really point a finger.
Anyway, not much else to report.
I will say I'm feeling somewhat mentally stable, and I'm rereading the vampire Edward is back on the mind. But my husband NEVER complains since he ALWAYS reaps the titillating benefits of the books. ;)
"Think Global, Buy local." -- I think I'll use this platform when I run for Mayor of SLC in 10 years. ;)
C'est tout!