In Honor of Holden's due date, I am watching this...

Truth is, I woke up at 4:30 this morning, after sleeping through the night (I'm sure I'll need a nap today)... so this may sound weird, but I woke up startled because I couldn't "feel" Holden. I mean, he wasn't kicking, or moving and then I went to feel my belly and he was positioned so weird (I was apparently sleeping on my back) that I looked down and felt my belly and it was like I was only 5 or 6 months preggers again...
Maybe I was just imagining things.
And every time I wake up (even if it's just to use the loo) Danny thinks I'm having the baby. Not so... no real progress to report. In fact, I got "checked" on Thursday ...first time since the original exam because I just didn't really see a need -- women can be dilated at a 3 or 4 for weeks or be at practically nothing and have the baby that day -- or so I've heard...
So the exam begins and, I kid you not, Kat (the midwife) says "I can't find your cervix." And I was laughing out loud! I mean, you need one of those to have a baby - eh? So she found my stuff eventually but I am not effaced, I am not dilated... no thinning, no effacement... It makes me chuckle just thinking about it. But also a little relieved. As I mentioned on Facebook (and here I think), Kat's out of town this weekend... and so Monday would actually be better. PLus, it's a good thing because I am not so attached to having the baby sooner than later. It's actually quite freeing. (But I guess it shows I'm a bit attached to Kat.)
That said, I think it's great that Danny and I (may) get one more weekend as just the two of us. We went to dinner last night, and watched one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time.If you thought it was going to be The Princess Diaries of Dunder Mifflin, you were seriously mistaken!
Also I'm making a public announcement that I will most likely be one of those crazy hypersensitive and overly protective moms who is going to stay home-bound for the first 2 months apres Holden's birth. (Well, at least I'm making him stay in...the hospital has me a little freaked out about the whole RSV and flu season thing.) "Don't you judge me Earl..."
Post Script. Quote of the day comes from "America's Best Dance Crew" (yes, we are now having a lazy Saturday afternoon.) Shane Sparks says, "Ya'll cloggers. Represent that." Did you have to be there or is that the funniest phrase ever to make it on A.B.D.C.? Because they seriously ARE cloggers.
I was one of "those" hypersensitive moms! I am SOOOO glad I was. While everyone else's babies were sick...mine has still yet to be sick. Of course we take him everywhere now but the first couple the winter...ew!
I thought Dave and I were the only ones who used the "don't you judge me" quote.
and here is something else we have in common: I'm not dilated or effaced either.
fd - that was Miles saying hello.
Hello. -that was me.
Hmmm... with no progress I'm thinking I won't be getting that text for awhile. Maybe you and Cassie will have your babies closer together!
Hey Suite--hang in there!! Surprisingly enough, my Doctor's appointments have been really similar to the one you reported. We'll be chill'in with two new beautiful babies pretty soon. Aaron and I also watched nine months recently -- pretty good!
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