Poolside Baby
Mr. Holden, we've been busy haven't we? Prior to all of this rain, we'd been living it up at the Grandparents' pool...which includes naked time for you:
The Equation? (shade+blanket) pack-n-play = naked baby time!
And you love it! Plus, you just discovered splashing and even though the result is water in your face, it seems to be a delightful game for yourself.
Escondido is Neato! (More Pictures Here)
We went to California (you really are the greatest little flier), and stayed at the Welk Resort in Escondido. (Your Great Grandma Lambert LOVED Lawrence Welk...though I must admit, the resort felt more "Marriott Rewards"than "Big Band." Which meant "Delightful!")
Your nights are lasting from around 9 at night to 8 in the morning (with a few snuggles and "nursings" in between). And man I love your temperament when you wake up in the morning -- always greeting me with a big toothy grin (minus the teeth of course.)
King of the Road
It's so awesome that we can take you anywhere (except Zinn Bistro - apparently they don't allow children); and for the most part, you're content to be. (Looks like we may be headed to Costa Rica later in the year. Better get your passport.) We had a blast with you at the Bees Game... you did much better at this game then the Mariners game last spring. (You just fell asleep in my arms.)
The Cream Rises to the Top
I'm glad you're a good eater. You're growing so fast. 16 lbs at four months! People always comment that you look six months old.
Shaping Up
You're getting stronger -- you've been baring weight on your legs ('standing' while we hold you) for a while now.
And you're getting more comfortable with tummy time -- I think now that you can really hold your head up and are pushing yourself up onto your hands now makes it more bearable (you also complain less when there's moving pictures on the tv to watch... but mommy is not a fan of you and the tv; so that usually only happens when Daddy's home...apparently exceptions are always made in this home with anything includes the words "sports center." )
And I love our walks in the morning. You in the pack and me trying to 'walk off' the weight...(eye roll). Granted, without giving up my obsession with chocolate chip cookies, carrying 16 lbs attached to my body not going to do much to shred my extra "L-B's."
Man Cannot Live By Bread Alone (But Sometimes I want to try)
In the name of provident living, and so I don;t have to fork out $4.00 a loaf for Great Harvest, I've been making bread (the kind that makes itself, really). The white works fabulously, the wheat looks like a science experiment...and tastes like it's REALLY healthy.
LOVE hearing about life with Holden!!! Your pics are really cute too! Aaron and I have got to get better at grabbing that camera. Were missing out on some fabulous candids of Sophie. We were really good for awhile. You've inspired me to improve!
Such an awesome way to document all that is going on with your little handsome dude!
Love the bread... You are way more motivated than I am to bake bread. It looks scrumptious though!
Just remember that you look beautiful even though you want to lose those LB's..... It is probably only you that notices it.
(and, gotta say it... there is probably 10 lbs. in those hooties alone! ha...)
such a cute post! i love that bread recipe, I have been making one like it that my stepdad has been making for years - he uses beer and vinegar for a little extra taste, it is very good! holden is such a cutester - is the babywise a book series?
Yep, Babywise is a book series but we are not what you'd consider "Babywise parents"... our night time parenting philosophy is completely different.
We're not really fans of the cry-it-out philosophy; but I have a lot of friends that swear by it...
You just have to figure out what works for you. I would just suggest making sure you look at both sides of the coin on sleep training. :)
Have you aged? You look the same as you did in high school!! Very cute pictures!! Great job on the bread!!
THANKYOU so much for playing with us, you saved our lives. and the girls carried your legend onto the next day by saying some of the stuff you said. It was fabulous. We took 4th in the pool and then almost beat the first place team in the tournament, but came up short. thanks again.
This entry was so delightful. Holden is getting so big and absolutely gorgeous, just like his parents. Seriously, you look STUNNING little Sabrena. The mommy glow suits you! Let's talk soon- I need my fix again.
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