Monday, March 14, 2011

While the TOM-Cat's Away...

Danny had to work tonight. And by work, I mean "he's entertaining clients at the Jazz game in the suite." Needless to say, he's digging his new job. I am happy about it too...because obviously my husband would do that part for free.

Holden was a little devastated when he found out his Dad had to leave again (once he got home from the office); but we made do.

Dinner consisted of apples, oranges and fresh sliced organic pineapple from Bountiful Baskets (the pasta dish I made was nasty when we tried it at 4 this afternoon, so we went with what we love.)

We read a few chapters of Black Beauty (the adapted illustrated classic in novel format with pictures), and looked at the National Geographic 'hippo' book we borrowed from his Grandma. And then we did a little yoga:

Holden getting into Down Dog

A little 'flamingo' balancing action...
can you see his right leg up behind his knee?

And my favorite kind of yoga...
where I say "Show me your happy face, " and we get this.


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