Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mouse Whisperer

I think you could pretty much call me the “mouse whisperer.”

Fred, the little mouse that was in my kitchen earlier this week, seems to have heeded my warnings…We have not seen a trace of him since that Monday afternoon, and Danny said he hasn’t heard any scampering in the walls near the closet… which apparently had been taking place earlier to my discovery of Fred, but Danny didn’t want to tell me (he thought I might freak out.) Yeah, seeing the little freakazoid (Fred, my four legged friend, not my husband) scampering* across our kitchen counter was a much easier way to break the news to me…

Also, I managed to live through a bout of the Hantavirus; thanks for the heads up Spence, good thing I was taking Echinacea at the time. (I’m joking obviously.)

But when Fred and I had our little discussion last week, I think we really connected. I invoked the same “power of persuasion” tactics my old man used when warning me about the dangers of the male species as a teenager (basically, don’t get close to the fire or you’ll get burned by the flame.) Only for any of you who know Suiter, you recognize the “talking to” lasted a lot longer and the stare was much more intense ("fear of God" is more of an appropriate description.)

So I feel good that I didn’t have to use the mouse poison… it would be really hard to practice Zen principles if I was killing a mouse. Then again, we don’t have children, and the consensus seems to be I’d feel different if little Stevie, Holden or Geneva/Chamonix** were in our place.

On a completely separate note... I started writing my "chick lit" novel this week... This is my official 2nd go at writing a novel. The first one (back in 2004 I think), I was about 65 pages in and was SO FED UP with my heroine that I just quit writing because I figured if I can't even have a character I've created fall in love with the right kind of man, what does that say about me? (Thankfully, I've ameliorated the problem since.) I just felt at the time that I was having enough problems with the male species in real life, that I didn't need to create an alter ego to live through the pain as well... once was enough for all of my personalities. ;)


*But I think it would be really funny to see Danny scamper.
**Also, we haven’t decided which European city we’re naming our second daughter after


Spencer Davis said...

I love that you are writing a novel. Let me know if you ever need a creative consultant. Also, can I please write the Forward for your novel? Or, can I be the "Too cool for school" ex-boyfriend who punches or gets punched by guy you fall in love with? That would seriously be awesome.

I really want to write a novel myself, but I still haven't even tried a short story.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Darth -- you are too eccentric of a (real) character NOT to be included. The book is a non-fictional work very loosely based on a hoge-podge of characters from my real life...

So yes, you will make the grade... especially when there's any references to Dawson's Creek lovers.

Cicely said...

So I guess you could say you used "The Secret" to get rid of our little friend? You better go tell Dad that he was wrong about it the Secret being crap.

ps. I'm exctied for your book too- so I can see what you REALLY think of me. Does this mean I need to be super nice to you until it gets published?

...I take back the whole "hauntavirus your face" thing.

Cicely said...

P.s. I wrote a short story once, but it was when Dave and I were in a fight and so I really don't wnat to show it to anyone in fear of them thinking our marriage might fail. Cause it totally wont.

Spencer Davis said...

You sound pretty cocky there going up agianst those 50% divorce rates.

Any non-fictional piece of work would be incomplete without a Dawson's Creek reference. I admire your mind and talent.

WIKKY said...

Have you seen October Road? If not, Nick writes a book all about his friends and gets in a lot of trouble but makes a whole lot of money!!! Go for it... I am glad you got rid of the mouse situation!