Thursday, May 30, 2013

Be a Model. Or just look like one!

I think the title of this post refers to the tag line form Barbizon Modeling Agency when I was a kid. Not a lot happened with that.

Anyway, when I was seven years old I had a Cabbage Patch Kid Diary that I found while in St. George a couple of years ago. There was an entry in the back of it that said "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2001" (or something). Following the warning page, was a questionnaire of sorts that read:

Am I (check all that apply):
  • A writer?
  • A Model?
  • An Actress?
  • Famous?

Apparently, I was destined for greatness... but here's the funny thing. I really did get to become a writer. ..sure I still have yet to write "my novel" but SkyWest was a catalyst for a fun and exciting time moonlighting as a travel and leisure magazine writer. Currently I'm working for two blogs and enjoy side projects here and there.

Yes, I never experienced Hollywood fame or stardom - but I think I've made a pretty decent name for myself so far. (And certainly the best is yet to come).

The acting thing never really happened for me, but I am a mom so I'm always playing a myriad of roles. But here's the real kicker... that a 5'(almost) six inch 130-plus pound female got to be a model...and here's the proof.

A little snapshot from the web...on the good ole iPhone

I was honored to be chosen by community driven MonkeyG clothing to be one of the yoga models for a bunch of their gear. Check out their chakra jerseys (and me) here, and sporting a few other things here  or even here (you get the idea).

Anyway, they were super gracious, and helped me check off a box that would make 7 year old super excited (36 year old me was super excited too). 

Speaking of yoga, I also served as the yoga model for another local FOX13 segment -- talking about yoga for a healthy back and spine. And wouldn't you know, I'm sporting MonkeyG in the segment too. Coincidence? Probably not.  

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