Tomorrow I leave for Paris!
I will spend about 8 hours in the Cincinatti Airport with no WKRP in sight . . .
Who invented the internet? I mean, I know it wasn't Al Gore, but he had something to do with it . . . but whatever his role, I am thankful for it . . .
I also appreciate shopping on line -- more than the home shopping network --which doesn;t thrill me at all because we do not have Cable.
Can someone send me some comments or something? (I will give you a topic if you need one.)
I'm feeling lonely in this alternate universe.
And I will also be attending yoga tonight . . . last night I had this crazy dream that I went to class and my mother in law, and my aunt (in law) showed up and it was a class of like 1,000 people -- and it was TOTALLY crowded and out of control.
My chakras were hurtin' . . .
Anyway, this dude comes up and is totally trying to tweak my down dog; so much that i flip over backwards -- and swallow a bunch of mud .. . it was not pleasant.
And then my alarm went off . . .
What does this mean?
Send comments to . . .
1 comment:
Don't want you to feel lonely.
Some of this is a repeat from an e-mail I sent, but here goes...
Now that I've been mentioned in The Suite Spot, I can't wait to see what happens with my 13 1/2 minutes that remain on my Fame Clock.
There were actually TWO conditions about this yoga thing- one is "No bow ties". The other is "No CAMERAS!" :)))
From the Land of Andy,
Double D
Future Yoga Victim
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