Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I should be in Bed, but instead. . .

This is so ridiculous! I came home from work today, honestly feeling like death warmed over . . . I mean, my throat was closing off, I felt wheezy and nauseous AND on top of that achy and tired all over. So I barely make it into the apartment and don’t even have the strength to take my fabulous lavender washable suede coat from Nordstrom off before I practically pass out on the bed.

Danny came home, tucked me in . . . gave me some Advil and a few hits of Echinacea and vitamin C and I slept for a couple of hours . . . and now, I am wide awake.

Wide awake and fluish. . . which really sux because I have a plane to catch tomorrow and I am in fact going to Chicago on Sunday and Monday. That’s a decent amount of travel in a few days . . . I need my strength. I’m going to have to invest in some serious airborne if I don’t get this fixed ASAP!

So send me all your positive thoughts. . . I need “The Secret” now more than ever (Becca nee’ Whipple), your positive energy too! ;)

Well, since I can’t seem to rest and I fear talking Nyquil is certain to make me vomit, I might as well relax and blog. . .

It never ceases to amaze me how many typos I can find in any single post of mine. . . you’d never believe I was a professional writer by trade, eh? (Well, ok . . . not by trade, but it is part of my resume/).

Speaking of, I was kind of thinking that “Suite Spots” the actual column from SkyWest Magazine in the Delta Connection edition was going the way of the bison . . . but it turns out that even if Delta doesn’t want to keep our publication on their planes, my editor said they’ll move it to the United edition. So I’ve got a new audience . . . pretty cool.

PS. I know it seems like I get sick a lot. . . but this is a FREAK fall season for moi. I swear, I'm a realitively healthy person.
PSS. I finshed Twilight again. . . amd I decided that my Edward Cullen looks like Billy Elliott when he grows up and dances at the end of the show . . . yeah, kind of like a cross between him and Danny.


annieup said...

sabrena- I was just looking at your blog and noticed the foward to my site on your page. Thanks dude however the site you have for me is not my site. I find it funny so no worries. my site is and you have it set as my site does not have an i in the title at all. Thanks though!

alyssa said...

Suite, why you so sick all the time? I assume you won't be attending our recipe night so we'll miss you. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

so what you're saying is I look like a british ballerina...great. Or is it ballerino? What's the masculine form of one who practices ballet? Their probably isn't one, since masculinity is not found in the ballet. Athleticism yes, masculinity no.