Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Barefoot Contessa, but without the unidenim

So I tried another mile of the barefoot running today (avec socks), though on the recommendation of my cousin, I will try it with out socks later.

Unfortunately, my feet have not had a pedicure since I was pregnant...but this also means, fortunately, my feet can't really get worse.

However, I will say that the part of my body most affected from this is experiment has to be my calves. They haven't felt this sort of 'integration' since 2000; when I ditched sandal-like 'Simples' for 3 1/2-inch platform stilettos on a random four-day business trip to Texas. Running through airports and hustling down moving-sidewalks with your feet bound, and heels elevated for the first time in years, takes a toll.

But it's true what they say about Texas... everything is bigger. Even calf pain. ;)

Oh my! This exercise of food logging is almost over. I think I will continue to log for my own personal records (at least through Lent), but I'll keep it in a notebook or something. No reason to continue to take up prime real-estate on the internet, right?

Breakfast:whole wheat waffles with maple syrup & peanut butter, glass of milk. A few bites of orange and clementine. Lunch: snagged a few veggies while I made lunch and worked on pasta primavera for dinner (yes, I used butter today instead of EVOO, but sometimes it's worth it!) From scratch potato cheeses soup (pat of butter, a few sliced onions, 4 red potatoes, veggie stalk-- from the blanched carrots & broccoli I made earlier this week--a bit of milk and some Colby Jack & Havarti cheeses, plus a little S&P). As far as soups go, it was pretty good -- especially with veg broth instead of chicken; and one bowl completely filled me up (well, that and the 1/2 slice of hearty whole wheat bread I made). See, I told you I wasn't on a diet! Snacks: I made granola from scratch today too (mostly like more on that tomorrow). So I tried out a cup with milk... Dinner: the Pasta Primavera - whole wheat spaghetti noodles as that was the only variety of whole wheat pasta we currently have on hand, with broccoli, carrots, red peppers, garlic, Parmesan and butter. If you're wondering why all the butter, I used less about 3 Tbs (between the pasta and the soup), and Danny's been enduring meat-free dinners for a while now, so a little animal fat goes a long way when it comes to taste. It was nice to indulge. Tomorrow, back to EVOO ... besides, margarine is the devil. But Butter? Butter just makes everything better. Snacks part II: I made oatmeal chocolate cookies tonight to take to some neighbors this week. I knew it would be bad (for me), because I always have to taste my cookie dough... and I did. And I lost count. I only had one cookie, but the cookie dough? Let's just call it this week's Warterloo.


Kourtney said...

The calf pain is pretty awesome, eh?

Since I'm on a roll with giving out unwarranted recommendations, be careful about how much barefoot running you do. You don't want to injure your feet with too much too fast. I read to start with 5-10 mins a week and build up.

WIKKY said...

where are you barefoot running anyway???? not outside! on a treadmill??? sounds like you need to vacay to the beach in cali. That would be awesome barefoot runnin!
Keep it up girl!

WIKKY said...

oops... Ok, I should've read the last post before I blurted out on this one! That sounds like fun. Maybe I'll try it!!!!