Monday, April 5, 2010


Although Danny wishes Beyonce would make a personal appearance at our home, I don't see it in the foreseeable future. Logistically it's just not happening, right? I mean, what would I cook for that kind of dinner guest?

But I am happy to report our home did get an UPGRADE -- by means of our Frienters (Friends who rent our basement=Frienters,). They are brilliant and painted the bookshelf in the basement. True, it's not actually our living space; but I think it represents a lovely improvement to the overall home.

In a separate but similar note, I think about some of my cousins/relatives reading this blog and wonder if it's hard for them to see changes to Grandma & Grandpa's home (the new door, the kitchen). But I am reminded that my Grandpa was always making improvements to the place, or had some sort of project going on... so I feel like it's done in likeness to their spirit of home and yard beautification.

Check out the QNC upgrade.

1 comment:

Cicely said...

It looks so freaking awesome. I tried to get mom and grandma to let me do it, but no deal. I'm glad there is a New Deal.