Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day "Compliments"

This Mother's day, try to refrain from the following:

"You are such a patient Mom; especially considering how hard your kids are..."

"I think it's great you just focus on your kids and don't care about what your house looks like."

"Well I think you look great! Sometimes the baby weight just doesn't come off."

Care to add any to the list?


Meesh said...

I just don't like mother's day because one, I feel inadequate at times to fill the huge role, 2, the day never lives up to any expecations (day of rest, day of nice kids, day of helpful hubby). However, I do love celebrating my awesome mom and mother-in-law. Couldn't ask for better.

Erin said...


Coincidentally I just got a variation on the first "compliment" on your list yesterday from a childless girlfriend. I laughed out loud when I read this...
