Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zoë's Birth Story!!!!

I finally did it! I finally got Zoë's Birth Story written for her, and me ... and you, if you're interested. It can be found here. Hard to believe she'll be six-weeks this Wednesday. Should you chose to partake in the novella, I hope you enjoy hearing about our journey.


Allison said...

Is it weird that I was pushing with you while reading this? I love it! You are really strong! 19 hrs is crazy business!

Courtney said...

Will you write a book? That was the most incredible story! I was laughing out loud by myself about your snapping...was that planned or just a strange oddity that surfaced at that moment? I wish I could have seen that and laughed with you. I am in awe at everything you went through, you are INCREDIBLE! So strong, I really can't even imagine. wow. loved your story. love you!

Angela said...

I am with Courtney. Write a book! Love your writing, but love the story even more. Congratulations! I have had something for you for ages and will try to bring it by soon!

Kourtney said...

Awesome cuz. So glad to read your story, laughing and crying along the way. Well done (both in the writing and in the birthing).

I am so thrilled that you got your VBAC. So exciting, and just in the nick of time. What a story.

Ben and I LOVED your secret word. So hilarious.

We missed you over Christmas but I hope we can get together soon somehow. Love to you!

Charlotte said...

Sabrena, I knew your body knew how to birth, and I'm so happy to hear you got your VBAC! You had me in suspense until the end of your novella.