Sunday, August 29, 2010

Not Carrots.

Danny took Holden up to his parent's place in Upstate Utah (aka Eden) Saturday and they spent some quality guys time together. I had a great GNO up Milcreek Canyon and spending the first night alone in my bed without my boys since... well, it's my first night away from Holden ever.

This video was waiting for me in my inbox when I got home. At face value the 55-seconds may not seem like that big of a deal, but for me it reminded me what a great dad Danny is, and the exuberance in Holden. What a great laugh and what an amazing kid.

Love you both. Hurry home boys.


Cicely said...

not carrots.

WIKKY said...

So cute! That kid loves to swing!

swensen squeeze said...

That is so the laugh!!